Elaboration II Studio 48-205 | Carroll, New Hampshire
Studio Professor: Jeff King; Coordinator: Jeremy Ficca | Spring 2016
The objective was to design a wellness center located close to the Saco Lake that was intended for people to visit after hiking through the White Mountain Presidential Range that allowed them to cleanse their body through an experience that allowed them to become rejuvenated once more. The bath house is a sanctuary where people come to undergo an experiential purifying ritual.

These collages serve to visually represent different aspects of site considerations and intentions. The first focuses on the ability to experience an environment in many different ways: walking, swimming, and any other activities an individual can partake in close to an indoor body of water. This collage was meant to be confusing about physical space and the properties of the environment. The second revolves around the idea of having a place that could be used by visitors as a space to rest, lie around, and enjoy nature outside their dwelling space. The third focuses on showing the feeling of swimming and connecting to nature such as trees, grass, hills, paths, animals, and nature while intentionally blending the boundaries of inside and outside.

Mid-semester project

Final project diagrams

Worm's Eye View showing the Roof Details

Final Floor Plans

While designing the final scheme, it was important the placement of the key programmatic elements which were the mudroom, caldarium (hot pool), tepidarium (warm pool), frigidarium (cold pool), dry sauna, herbal steam room, relaxation viewing space, and exterior space with a fire pit.
I focused on designing interesting experiences such as a caldarium that was partially outdoors to give the feeling of a body submerged in heat yet a head exposed to the natural cold air with clear sight lines across the Saco Lake. Even the circulation is experiential starting from the nice tepidarium, transitioning to the caldarium, then taking a plunge into the cold frigidarium for the more adventurous spirits. Alternatively, a path can be taken from the tepidarium through the dry sauna and herbal steam room until the roof is reached where there is a fire pit and open views of the sky above, perfect for stargazing away from the reaches of society.